Thursday, January 2, 2020
Learn How to Speak About Money in French
When traveling (or doing anything else, for that matter), you need access to money, which means you need to know how to talk about it in the local language. Expand your French vocabulary by learning these words and phrases related to money and banking. After studying and practicing these French words, you will be able to change money, talk about your payment method, manage bank accounts, and more. Note: Many of the words below are linked to .wav files. Simply click on the link to listen to the pronunciation. Forms of Moneyà (Les formes de largent)à Learning how to say the French words for different types of currency is a good place to begin. These are very simple words that will form the basis for many of the other banking and accounting phrases to come. Money -à de largentà (m)à Currency -à laà monnaie Cashà In your travels, you may choose to pay with cash for many purchases. The following words refer to basic paper money, no matter the currency of the country. A Bill, Note, or Paper Money -à unà billetCash -à desà espà ¨cesà (f), duà liquideà (also refers to liquid)Change -à laà monnaieCoin -à uneà pià ¨ceà (deà monnaie) Types of Checks Unà chà ¨queà (check) is the base word used for all types of checks. As you can see, it is easy to add a modifier when discussing a particular check. Checkbook - unà carnetà deà chà ¨quesCertified check -à unà chà ¨queà certifià ©Travelers check -à unà chà ¨queà deà voyage Types of Cards Bank and credit cards are also useful when paying for items and services. Notice that each type builds off of the wordà uneà carteà (card) to further define the type of card you will be using. Bank / ATM card -à uneà carteà bancaireCredit Card -à uneà carteà deà crà ©dit Paying for Things (Payer pour des Choses) Now that you have the forms of money down, its time to buy something with it.à To pay... payer... ... cash. ... en espces. ... with a credit card. ... avec une carte de crdit. ... with travelers checks. ... avec des chques de voyage. To write a check -à faire unà chà ¨que To buy (acheter)à orà to spendà (dà ©penser)à will be useful verbs when making purchases as well. And, of course, no matter which country youre in, there is likely to be a tax (unà impà ´t) added to your purchase. Putting a Value on Purchases When youre in the store or talking about a shopping trip with friends, use one of these phrases to talk about the deal you scored or the extravagant price ofà an item. Cheap -à bon marchà ©Expensive -à cherThrifty -à à ©conomeGood value -à un bon rapport qualità ©-prixIts worth it -à Ãâ¡a vaut le coupIts expensive! -à Cest pas donnà © ! If you hear this phrase, you just received the best deal: Its free, its on the house -à Cest cadeau At the Bank (Ã⬠laà Banque) The French word for bank is uneà banqueà and if youre in one, then youre probably doing some banking (bancaire). If you need to use the ATM machine (cash dispenser), you can sayà unà guichet automatique de banqueà (literally, an automatic bank window)à or simplify it and sayà unà GAB. Types of Bank Accountsà Checking and savings accounts build off the wordà for an account (un compte) and add the modifier to define which type of account. Checking account - unà compte-chà ¨ques Savings account -à unà compteà dà ©pargne Savings -à à ©pargneà (f)To save money -à faire desà à ©conomies If you need to take out a loan (unà prà ªt orà unà emprunt), these words will be very useful. To borrow -à emprunterTo sign -à signerInterest rate -à leà tauxà dintà ©rà ªt Bank Transactions While you are at the bank, you will no doubt be making some sort of transaction and these three words are essential to ensuring that no money gets lost in translation. Deposit -à unà dà ©pà ´tTransfer -à unà virementWithdrawal -à unà retrait In order to form complete sentences using deposit, transfer, and withdrawal, you will need to use the verb form. To deposit (into an account) -à dà ©poserà (sur unà compte)To transfer -à virerTo withdraw -à retirerTo cash a check -à toucherà unà chà ¨que It is also important to be able to read and speak about receipts, statements, and other paper documents you might receive from the bank. Bank Statement -à unà relevà ©Ã deà compteFees -à lesà fraisà (m)Receipt -à unà reà §uBalance -à leà bilanSum / Amount / Total -à leà montant Changing Currency If you are traveling, then learning how to speak about changing your money from one countrys currency to another is essential.à Currency exchange -à unà bureau de changeExchange rate -à leà tauxà deà changeTo change money (into Euros) -à changerà de largentà (en Euros) Money Management (Gestion de largent) Managing your money in French is actually quite easy because we can relate many of these words to the English translation. Expense - uneà dà ©penseDebt -à uneà detteBond - uneà obligationYield -à leà rendementShare of stock -à uneà action You may also be interested in understanding your cost of living (leà coà »t de la vie)à and how that relates to yourà standard of living (leà niveau de vie). More Money-Related Verbs As you work with money in French, these verbs are sure to be helpful. To count -à compterTo earn -à gagnerTo need -à avoirà besoinà deTo sell -à vendre Money and Your Job (Largent et votre emploi) How do we make money? We work for it, of course, and some money-related words are naturally tied into your job (unà emploi or the informalà unà boulot). Wages -à leà salaireSalary -à leà traitementRaise -à uneà augmentation de salaireMinimum wage -à leà SMICUnemployment -à leà chà ´mageUnemployed -à au chà ´mage French Expressions About Money Money is tied to many proverbs, words of wisdom, and catchy phrases. Learning a few of these common expressions will certainly help out your French vocabulary, help you learn sentence structure, and give you a leg up on other non-native French speakers. To have ones cake and eat it, too. Avoir le beurre et largent du beurre. That costs an arm and a leg. a cote les yeux de la tte. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Il ne sert rien de dshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul. I got it for a song. Je lai eu pour une bouche de pain. Only the rich get richer. On ne prte quaux riches. The rich man is the one who pays his debts. Qui paie ses dettes senrichit. Every penny counts. Un sou est un sou. Time is money. Le temps, cest de largent All that glitters isnt gold. Tout ce qui brille nest pas or. (proverb)
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